I hate to call these Rules so
lets just call them Repeater use
Don’t say, "The personal here is _ _
_" (just use your name or name here is_ _).
Don’t say, "Thanks for the comeback" (use thanks for the
Don’t say, "I’ve destinated" (use I’ve arrived or at my next stop).
That word doesn't exist in any dictionary.
Do not use BREAK, this
has always been used in emergency communications. If you would like
to join in just put out your call. Then wait for someone in the
conversation to acknowledge you. Please do use BREAK if you
have emergency traffic.
Don’t repeatedly say, "I hear that" or "roger that" or "QSL" in
response to every transmission/comment. (Besides "QSL" is written
confirmation of a conversation or "QSO" and is just slightly better
than 10-4.)
Don’t say your, or the other person’s, call sign every transmission
(only your call is required once every 10 minutes)
Please don't use the phonetic
explanation of your call sign every time you give it, try to use
only if the listening station is having a hard time understanding
your call, not every time you give your call. This just adds a lot
of unneeded noise to the system.
Don’t just kerchunk the repeater without saying your call (at least
ID on the second kerchunk, we understand that some of these Mic's
have "Hair Triggers").
Don’t shout into your microphone.
Key the microphone for at least one second before talking to give
the links/repeaters that may be connected time to function properly.
Don’t give one-word answers or comments. (if you have to do so make
sure you key at least a second or two before giving it.)
Don’t break in on an ongoing conversation unless you know who
all is in it, and you have something meaningful to contribute.
When in a conversation (QSO) with more than two people involved,
turn it over to someone by name (go ahead Rod).
When you sign clear, turn it over to someone by name or call (don’t
just sign clear because no one knows who should pick up).
Use a mike hanger in your vehicle to avoid sitting on the microphone
and inadvertently keying up the system with people all over
listening to your conversation